I live in Arizona and was extremely nervous about purchasing a puppy out of state, and I try to be a good pup owner and avoid puppy mills. But I couldn’t find a mini-bernedoodle in…
Just wanted to give you an update on Khloe…. she’s beautiful and very happy. We are enjoying her and her funny puppy ways. She’s eating well and just loves her toys. She also loves to…
First of all I need to say that Elton was super awesome and very nice! We absolutely LOVE our Dorcus (now Zoey- to match with our other pets) SO MUCH. She is amazing!!! She is…
She arrived and is perfection!! We were all so excited I don’t think any of us slept last night. She is such a beautiful puppy.It’s hard to find a Bernedoodle with this coloring, and not…