What an adorable little girl! You will fall in love with this cuddly, friendly little cutie!
What an adorable little girl! You will fall in love with this cuddly, friendly little cutie!
Today our little boy turned one year old. He was born 11/07/2021. His name is Enzo, litter name was Owen. His Mother was Fiona. He now weighs 39.8 pounds. He is such a joy and…
I got a puppy from you several months ago and gave your number to my friend. Rowdy is very sweet and living up to his name! 😀
We have had Ivy now for 3 months. What a blessing she has been to our family. We couldn’t love her more!! She’s the most precious dog ever, cuddly, loving and absolutely beautiful!! We take…
I almost got scammed from another breeder and I found Elton before I did. I put my reservation for a pup and just in time, they had a new litter. He showed me the pups…
I'm Adopted!