Just to give you an update. Bruin went for his wellness, rabies & distemper. He weighs 23.4 lbs and is a perfect picture of health. He knows several commands and loves to do them for…
Everything that was promised on the website was delivered. Great customer service and friendliness was much appreciated. We got our pup. Mr. Edison when he was nine weeks old and now our pup whose name…
Ranger is everything you said and so much more!  He has acclimated very well and made himself right at home. Thank you for all you did to make this happen.
Bruin continues to be the perfect pup! 10 months old and weighs 49.8 pounds. He was neutered at 8.5 months old and basically was healed in 3 days and never skipped a beat. He is…
I'm Adopted!
I'm Adopted!